Four years ago God blessed us with the birth of our bright eyed baby girl Rebeca. She is our little princess and well – every little princess needs a princess birthday party! Rebeca wore her pink princess dress with petti skirt and her favorite pink converse sneakers. She headed out with daddy to the Latta Plantation to get princess portraits done. These images were used on DIY frames as part of her decoration. Rebeca, like many little girls, LOVES pink and all the Disney Princesses. These were the inspiration for her birthday and my search began on pinterest! If you need any party or wedding ideas – I have MANY – Follow us on to check out a few!
HUGE Thank you to Erika and her team at Cloud 9 Confections for the lovely princess cake. The top layer was vanilla with real strawberry filling and the bottom chocolate gnosh (spelling?) It tasted GREAT! Everything you see, including the princess images, are edible. Check them out – in the Market Place in uptown Charlotte right next to the Imaginon Library.
I went total DIY for a lot of details for this party. The sandwiches were made with princess cookie cutters – hearts, Cinderella shoe and crown I found at Walmart.
It had been a while since I had gone to Michaels but my DIY self knew I needed a few things to get creative. There is where I found the letters for Rebeca’s initials (already in two tones of pink) and I bought the frames to then paint them at home. I then printed 5×7 and 11×14 images from Rebeca’s photo shoot with her daddy. You can click her homepage to view them.
These cookies were handmade by my sister Lucy and Rebeca. She made the sugar cookies and frosting from scratch to get the idea colors. Rebeca was able to add the little edible pearls 🙂
Initially, I was going to do a candy station, yet I felt I already had enough sugar 🙂 This is when I decided to stick to pink, white and blue items that could be edible adding the white popcorn and colored marshmallows (neither having too many calories).
This was another DIY project 🙂 The marshmallows were dyed with coloring food and the ribbons were a mixture of two different ribbons put together.
My sister created custom Disney princess labels for the kids water bottles. 🙂
The kids enjoyed having a piñata, dressing up, and getting their picture taken. The castle was made by my sister with cardboard boxes and contact paper (can you tell that our kids have my sister wrapped around their little fingers).
Hope you enjoyed living Rebeca’s birthday party through her pictures!
Do you need help with some party ideas? Do you need a birthday party photographer?
Contact us today: 704-548-9215 – –