We’re so excited to show off our latest pictures from TODAY! Every day we strive to continue to improve our quality and experience for our brides and grooms. We partnered with Classic Bridals and Formals in Cornelius, NC to show off some of their gorgeous gowns and some of our new lighting techniques. Kerith can help you find your perfect gown at Katherine’s Bridal Shop and Michelle is a newlywed who found her perfect gown at Classic Bridals and Formals. A special thank you to Carey Roberts Design Co. for the beautiful white bouquet and Ribald Farms Nursery and Florist in Fort Mill, SC for the pink one (sorry we stink at the naming flowers).
We love shooting using natural light but wanted to add some dramatic lighting to our ‘bag of tricks’. These two great photos were taken seconds apart from each other.
Oh and we added a few behind the scenes pics. It’s nice to dress in jeans for engagements and bridal sessions since it’s easier to get on the ground for pics. I (Kisha) do like to dress up on wedding days so Ben is the lucky one to get on the ground to get certain angles 🙂
I get so excited when we get amazing pics I just have to share them 🙂
Ben working his magic.
Yes, I’m on the ground. Even though it was a little wet somehow I stayed dry.
Skyline of our beautiful city of Charlotte.
LOVE the blue shoes on the road!
Let us know what you think!